
Cerec Machine

CEREC is the abbreviation for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics or Ceramic Reconstruction, this machine uses 3D-imaging software to make a detailed replication of your teeth. The process begins with your dentist taking X-rays and photographs of your mouth with the CEREC machine, which uses the information received to create a 3D model of your mouth.

Advantages of CEREC machines

  • Time saving: Dentists from everywhere are having CEREC machines installed in their offices because it saves time for both them and their patients — for example, if you go to a dentist’s office to have a crown made, and they do not have a CEREC machine, they will have to take a mold impression of your teeth and send it to a laboratory to get the crown made, the dentist will then have to give you a temporary crown until you come back in when the permanent crown arrives to finish the procedure. Having a CEREC machine eliminates the waiting period so you do not have to go back to the office more times than necessary. 
  • Accuracy: The CAD (Computer-Aided Design) technology used by CEREC machines provides the most accurate replication of your tooth, which means the size and shape of the replica will be almost identical to your real tooth
  • Reduces waste: Due to the accuracy of the machine, the replica created by the CEREC machine is very precise, which means it only uses the needed amount of the material used to create the replica, reducing waste
Did you know?
  • CEREC machines use 3D-imaging software to make a detailed replication of your teeth. The process begins with your dentist taking X-rays and photographs of your mouth with the CEREC machine, which uses the information received to create a 3D model of your mouth. The Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software then highlights the parts of the model that need to be fixed.
  • Once the 3D model and the areas that need to be restored have been highlighted, the machine will create the restorative piece from a ceramic block. The machine-created piece will then be color-matched to your natural teeth.
  • The milling machine usually completes the milling process within 10 minutes, and then firing and curing the porcelain restoration takes about 30 minutes. While you wait, your dentist will prep you for the restoration placement. When the CEREC machine finishes creating the required part, your dentist will complete the restoration, and when they are done, they will provide you with tips on how to take care of the restoration.

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